This site contains finished Games, ongoing Projects, and Blog entries. Most of my projects use C++ or Python and most of my blog posts will also be focused on programming. Occasionally, I may drift into other topics like emergence, cognitive psychology, and artificial intelligence.

From Pixels to Symbols - January 25, 2020

Simulate a Game - Like a Brain Models the World

I talked about my plans to simulate games in a previous post, Game Simulation. I’d like to clarify that I’m using the term “simulate” to be analogous to what the brain is doing when modeling the world around us. The brain has constant input from the world, and that input is used to keep our internal model consistent with the world around us. If...

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Game Simulation - January 4, 2020


I have a small set of projects that I’m working on in my spare time. I tend to get easily burned out by projects, so I have to be careful to create simple milestones and avoid open-ended tasks and original research. It’s easy for me to get stuck thinking about grand issues and end up never writing any code. In the long run, I think I’m much better off solving small problems. My hope...

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Mutable Thoughts - December 28, 2019


Up until now, the address of this site has always been I bought the address years ago, and I’ve been using my github repository to host the content so that I have full control to experiment with layouts, navigation, and content. And the only real expense is the $15 a year to renew the URL from… And my time -...

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Life Is An Adventure - December 21, 2019

New York, New York

In the 4 years since my previous post, I’ve had 2 amazing children, sold our house and vehicles in Washington, and got an apartment and software development job in the middle of Manhattan, New York City. I’ll say that it’s nice living in the same time zone as the rest of my family, and it’s a bit easier to have visitors here because...

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My Craft 2D - May 1, 2015

My Craft 2D Description: Play in a world like Terraria, but with a hitch. The blocks in this game have properties that are transferable to neighboring blocks. For example, antigravity blocks can cause neighboring blocks to float - creating floating islands in the sky. Remove the antigravity block and the whole island will come crashing down to the ground! Blocks have properties such as clingyness, antigravity, light-propogating, and more to come in the future. Some...

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Super Mario - January 11, 2020

Description: This is a simplified clone of Super Mario World. Some of the pixel art and movement animations are from the original game, while the movement physics is a rough approximation. The clone supports enemy spawning, block interactions, coin collection, and power-up and damage logic. Levels are generated randomly and can be easily modified using the mouse and keyboard.

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